Kruidnoten deeg cakejes

Kruidnoten deeg cakejes met witte chocolade, or while gingerbread spices cookie dough cakes with white chocolate. In the Netherlands we celebrate Sinterklaas and don’t forget kruidnoten! And who doesn’t love cookie dough? And cupcakes? You are sure to please everyone with these cakes. You can make 6 servings with this recipe.
See the tiktok video by the post heading.

Preptime: 15 minutes

Cooktime: 15 minutes


For the cookie dough:

  • 50 grams of unsalted butter
  • 40 grams of brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of speculaaskruiden
  • 63 grams of self-raising flour (put it in the oven on 180℃ for 5 minutes, then it’s safe to eat)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 2 tablespoons cacao

For the cake batter:

  • 63 grams of butter (room temperature)
  • 70 grams of white sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 63 grams of self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon milk

For the decoration:

  • 50 grams of white chocolate


  1. Let’s make the cake batter first. Mix the butter with the sugar until fluffy.
  2. Add the egg and mix until the egg is incorporated.
  3. Now add all the remaining ingredients for the cake batter.
  4. Mix until it becomes a smooth batter. (1-2 minutes) And set aside.
  5. We are now going to make the cookie dough.
  6. Mix all the ingredients for the cookie dough in a bowl, until you have a ball of dough.
  7. Divide the cake batter between 6 cupcake cases.
  8. Make 6 balls from 1/3 of the cookie dough.
  9. And press each ball into the center of the batter.
  10. Bake the cakes at 185 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Pierce the cakes with a skewer to check if they are cooked. Otherwise, put them back in the oven for another 3 minutes.
  11. Melt the white chocolate and drizzle it over the cupcakes.
  12. With the remaining cookie dough (2/3 part) you will decorate the cupcakes.
  13. You do this by putting small pieces of dough on the top of the cupcakes.

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