M&M brownie bites

The perfect little snack! If you’re a chocolate lover this recipe is a must for you. It doesn’t take a lot of time, and is easy & fun to make. Now let’s get started!

Cooktime: 15-20 minutes

Preptime: 30 minutes


  • Supermarket brownie or chocolate cake mix (bake it yourself, because the cake needs to be hot when kneaded)
  • a package of chocolate m&m’s
  • 200 gram milk chocolate
  • 200 gram white chocolate


  1. Bake your brownie or chocolate cake! I used a supermarket brownie mix, it’s easier and cheaper than making your own.
  2. When taking the cake out of the oven transfer it immediately to a mixing bowl.
  3. Crumble the cake until it’s feels a bit like cookie dough.
  4. Set a few chocolate m&m’s aside for decoration and add the rest to the crumbled cake.
  5. Make little balls from the m&m cake mixture. Make sure you press them real good into a ball shape, otherwise they will fall apart.
  6. Let them sit in the fridge.
  7. In the meantime melt the milk chocolate au bain marie.
  8. Take the m&m balls out of the fridge and dip each of them in the milk chocolate. Make sure they are completely covered with chocolate and put them on a plate.
  9. Now melt the white chocolate au bain marie.
  10. Drizzle the white chocolate over the balls.
  11. Add some m&m on top for decoration and let them set in the fridge for 1 hour.
  12. Enjoy! (tip: crush the m&m brownie bites in some vanilla ice cream, it will taste amazing!!)

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